Food Fridge

Our food fridge is self-serve, 24/7, on the honor system located at the farm gate.

It’s stocked with eggs and fresh vegetables, all from our farm.

Please return egg cartons to me if possible! It helps a lot.

Honor system means that we trust you to choose and pay for the items yourself. Prices are listed inside the fridge. Eggs are $4 a dozen unless stated otherwise. Pay by putting the cash in the box, or sending an e-transfer to our email,, which is posted there on the sign and inside the fridge.

The honor system allows me to sell produce for cheaper, since I don’t have to pay anyone to man the stand, or stand there myself. And it makes it conveniently available for you, 24/7.

So far, people have respected the honor system, allowing me to continue offering eggs and veggies 24/7 to anyone driving by the farm. What a nice thing!

Coming Soon…

Our food fridge is scheduled to be upgraded to a farm stand! We plan to stock some non-refrigerated goods, such as herbal teas, dried herbs, flower bouquets, onions, garlic, artwork, and more!